• 07533 964824
  • info@myhelm.club
  • The King Alfred Leisure Centre, Kingsway, Hove, BN3 2WW


Memberships are offered to families that intend to commit to a 12-month membership.

The benefits of joining include a discounted workshop rate during the 36 weeks of term time dates for 2022-2023. This then forms a direct debit that is spread over a 52 week or 12 month period. Should you break the contract early you will be responsible for paying back any outstanding amounts up to the date your 1 month notice period ends.

The new year term time 2022-23 will consist of 36wks. This will reflect on the monthly and weekly direct debit amounts paid by all members starting from September 22.

Memberships are available for those who have completed at least 3 taster sessions, a quick interview and completed our ‘Conditions of Acceptance & Understanding by Parents or Guardians for Membership’ form as part of the payment process.

To join our Membership please follow the following steps:

Sign up for 3-5 tasters of sessions that interest you. Click the relevant link below:

Kid’s Membership Tasters

Teen’s Membership Tasters

During your week of tasters a My HELM member of staff will sit down to discuss membership with you.

After this interview, if membership is the best option for you, you will receive an email with additional information and a link to book membership.

Whilst booking, you will have the option to pick the workshops you wish and will be prompted to complete the form: Conditions of Acceptance & Understanding by Parents or Guardians for Membership.

My Kids HELM

Aged 8-11 yrs

Offers 16hrs per week including daily recreational sports sessions, a 10% discount for additional tutor sessions and a 10% discount on holiday clubs. You can choose 4 days (from 5) a week consisting of 4 hrs per day. We spread payment over 52 weeks for 3 terms and use Direct Debit. The cost is WEEKLY (£66.46) or MONTHLY (£288) The membership requires a month’s deposit and 1 month’s notice to cancel.

My Teen HELM

Aged 11-16 yrs

Offers 16hrs per week plus 4 free additional recreational sports sessions, a 10% discount for additional tutor sessions and a 10% discount on holiday clubs. You can choose 4 days (from 5) a week consisting of 4 hrs per day. We spread payment over 52 weeks for 3 terms and use Direct Debit. The cost is WEEKLY (£83.07) or MONTHLY (£360) The membership requires a month’s deposit and 1 month’s notice to cancel.